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Machine Learning: Cleaning data

In this post we will be understanding various techniques used to clean dataset. Before cleaning data we need to understand our data. This post also explains about way to understand the data we are dealing with. Cleaning of data is one of the crucial step in the entire process of creating machine learning model. Let's get started and master the crucial process of cleaning datasets. ... Read More

Hierarchical clustering algorithm in Python

In the previous post, Unsupervised Learning k-means clustering algorithm in Python we discussed the K Means clustering algorithm. We learned how to solve Machine Learning Unsupervised Learning Problem using the K Means clustering algorithm. If you don't know about K Means clustering algorithm or have limited knowledge, I recommend you to go through the post. ... Read More

Logistic Regression Detailed Explanation

Logistic regression is a binary classification model, i.e. it will help to make predictions in cases where the output is a categorical variable. We cannot draw a line and classify data points into two classes. So we can use the curve also known as the sigmoid curve. The sigmoid function is represented as: $$ 1\over {1 + e^{-(\beta_0 + \beta_1x)}}$$ As we know Linear Regression is represented as: $$h_\theta(x) = w^Tx$$ ... Read More

Limitations of the Linear Regression

In the previous post, we discussed a Simple Linear Regression detailed Explanation. I recommend you to go through the post to have a detailed understanding of the Simple Linear Regression. There are a few assumptions that Linear Regression has to find the best fit line. NOTE: This assumptions hold true for Simple and Multi Linear Regression. ... Read More

Decision Tree Detailed Explanation

Decision Tree (a tree-based algorithm) is high interpretability and an intuitive algorithm. It works almost the same as that of the human mind works for decision making. We can think of it as a nested if and else statements forming an upside-down tree. Therefore, it is very easy to explain the results of the model to the business team. ... Read More

Visual Designing

Visual Designing is one of the vast concepts in the world of designing, as of there are numerous definitions and explanations are available which are a bit strenuous to understand by the amateur Designer/User, so this blog explains about the concepts of visual designing keeping it to point. ... Read More

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How China is standing in between for India to become the leader in producing electricity using solar energy

In India, it is expected that the population of the country will grow by 20% in the next 3-5 years. With such growth in population, there is definitely going to be a burden on the resources such as electricity, water, etc.

Perception why private schools are better than government schools

Perception and why private schools are better than government schools. But IIMs, NITs, and IITs which are government entities are considered superior to any private college. How this perspective has been developed in Indian society?




Power System in India

Before we go into detail about the power crisis that India is facing, let's briefly understand how the power system works in India. The diagram below mentions the process of electricity transmission in India.

Why Indian Market are dependent too heavily on the USA stock market?

We have generally seen that the Indian stock market reflects the trends in the US stock market.

smartphone screen

The era of touch smartphone devices started with Steve Jobs jumping into the market with the first iPhone in 2007. Prior to that Nokia dominated the market with Nokia 9000 Communicator.